影评 |
我从来不是战争片的爱好者,甚至连一个电影爱好者也算不上。因为每当我说服自己去了解一下当今娱乐世界的形势就有诸如War of the Worlds*浇人一头凉水。或许我应该改天再证明什么才是SF*的精髓,但我的论证一准不能让你们任何一个人满意——如果有人从来只相信专家,很显然我不是。
亚历山大究竟是一个什么样的人?阿喀留斯*、拿破仑抑或是布什?不如问我们为自己塑造了一个什么样的偶像。他永远的年轻、他的军事才能、上苍对他的眷顾抑或是他所取得的无人能及的辉煌,究竟哪一个是他成为了“Alexander the Great”?
Alexander was more, he was Prometheus, a friend to man. Before him, there were tribes, and after him all was possible |
It was an empire, not of land and gold, but of the mind |
How can I tell you what it was like to be young, and to dream big dreams? To believe when Alexander looked you in the eye, you could do anything. Anything. In his presence, by the light of Apollo we were better than ourselves. |
I never believed in his dream. None of us did. That’s the truth of his life. The dreamers exhaust us. |
He was made free, the freest man I’ve ever known! His tragedy was one of increasing loneliness and impatience with those who could not understand. |
And if his desire to reconcile Greek and barbarian…ended in failure…well, what failure! His failure towered over other men’s successes. The glory and the memory of man will always belong to the ones who follow their great visions. And the greatest of these is the one they now call “Megas Alexandros”. The greatest Alexander of them all. |
可能从一开始我的心中就从没存在过一个OLIVER STONE’S ALEXANDER——亚历山大活在每个人的心中。人们在自己的价值体系中回望历史,就像斯通的普罗米修斯情结或是迷惑了我的苏格拉底的黄金。唯一可以肯定的是斯通相信普罗米修斯的存在,不管他是不是亚历山大,是不是他自己;斯通相信人们需要普罗米修斯的存在,需要那温暖了身体并照亮了未来之路的火种——无论对于那些分散着的版图,还是那些误解、仇恨、恐惧着彼此的灵魂。
Alexander* 电影《亚历山大》Oliver Stone/Colin Farrell (2004)
War of the Worlds* 电影《世界大战》 Steven Spielberg/ Tom Cruise (2005)
SF* 科学幻想
SIREN*【希腊神话】 塞壬:一群女海妖之一,用她们美妙的歌声诱惑船只上的海员,从而使船只在岛屿周围触礁沉没
《天生杀人狂》* 电影 Natural Born Killer Oliver Stone (1994)
阿喀留斯* Achilles 【希腊神话】特洛伊战争中的英雄
印度库什* Hindu Kush 亚历山大东征途经地名
托勒密* Ptolemy
埃斯库罗斯* Aeschylus:希腊悲剧作家,其戏剧作品首次除合唱外增加了两位演员。其90部剧本只幸存7部,其中包括奥瑞斯忒亚 三部曲(458年) |
2005 NICCO 2007-2-1 最后修正 |
乐评 |
How can I tell you what is was like…to be young, and to dream big dreams? |
I’ve known many great men in my life, but only one colossus.
Men…all men, reach and fall…reach and fall. |
与FF12 |
2007 NICCO |