Final Fantasy XII Scenario US version


The Port at Balfonheim

Saccio Lane

Manse Watch

Ah, there you are. Lord Reddas is waiting.


[Enter the manse.]

Manse Watch

The Guv*nor expects good behavior from all his guests. In you go.


Ships in the water!
Send fishing dories if need be, I care not.
Glossair engines are as good to us as sky to a fish.
Leave what boats have foundered.
I want souls saved, not driftwood!
Our armada ran afoul of bad water near the Ridorana Cataract.
All engines stopped asudden, becalmed.
Trouble with a Mist thick as death, it seems.
Those seas are Jagd. I expected airship trouble, not a fleet foundering midst the waves.
Tell me of what happened in Giruvegan.
From the lay of your eyes, I measure all did not go well.
Cid 每 was he false as I feared?


But we may have caught a glimpse of his true intent.
We may now know what it is that Cid searches for.


So the deifacted nethicite was only a fragment?
And these Occuria 每 I know not, and care to know even less.


If we strike this Sun-cryst with the Sword of Kings, no new Stone may be born.
We say the Sun-cryst is the source of all nethicite*s power.
If we might break it, the Dusk Shard would be as a thing lifeless.
As for the manufacted nethicite, who can say?


There is another way.
We use the Treaty-Blade to cut a new Stone from the cryst, use that to fight the Dusk Shard and the manufacted stones.


Would you like to know the best use of nethicite? Will or nill, I*ll tell you. You pick it up, and throw it away.

I can't allow the use of the stones. They need to be thrown away.


Either way, we gotta find this Sun-cryst first, right? Don*t we?
Across the sea#
In a tower on a distant shore#Reddas?


Familiar words, Vaan.
I saw something of the sort written in some documents I chanced upon during my visit to Draklor.
The Naldoan Sea, the Ridorana Cataract, and the Pharos lighthouse.
I sent my fleet to fish out the truth behind these words#and caught trouble.


Then proof is ours.
This lighthouse on the Naldoan Sea is the tower on the distant shore.
The strong Mist that becalmed your ships is a grim, yet clear, sign than any we might hoped for. The Sun-cryst is there.


All well and good, but how do we get there?
Those seas are in jagd, as I recall.


Try putting this one in your ship.
*Tis a skystone made to resist jagd.


More spoils from the Draklor labs, is it?
Why not use it yourself?


That*s just the thing. My ship*s a Bhujerban model 每 it will not work.
But should it fit the Strahl, she*ll fly in jagd.
Lady Ashe.
I would accompany Your Highness#if you do not object.


I am in your care. But, tell me one thing: why do so much for us?


The Nabudis Deadlands.


Nabudis#was your home?


Nay, but a memory forever burned in my heart.


Ah, it is you. Have you heard? Our ships sent to the Pharos have foundered!


Thankfully enough, it were just as the fishing sculls came home. We sent*em out straightaway!


Ridorana#the great Pharos and the bottomless Cataract. No man of Balfonheim would willingly go there, so oft are we warned as children.
But Reddas is no man of Balfonheim. There were many against this expedition, but he#he knew no fear.


You make for the great Pharos? That place is in jagd, you know. You will not be able to fly there.


There you are! The repairs on the Strahl are complete, kupo! You can leave whenever you want from the aerodrome!
Kupo! You*ve a skystone that can fly in jagd!?
I*ll put it right in the Strahl, then, kupo!


Ah, that*s a spot of good fortune, That new skystone should ease your journey considerably.
Now, you know the way?
The Pharos, that ※tower on a distant shore,§ stands on an island at the Ridorana Cataract, in the Jagd Naldoa southeast of here.
Take care#

Private Airshiips

Good day. We handle all private airship arrivals and departures from this desk. How may I help you?
Let*s see, your ship was the#Strahl, was it?
Ah yes, Nono*s been tending to your ship. He left a message for you: ※From the aerodrome to the desert wastes, I*ll be there to keep the Strahl in tip-top shape, kupo!§
Nono seemed quite pleased to have finished his repairs. The Strahl is ready to depart whenever you wish.
Would you like to board now?



Private Airships

Very well. You may enter the hangar from the gate.

The Ridorana Cataract

Footfalls of the Past


A tower on distant shore.
And about its peak, a piercing Mist.


And in that Mist, the Sun-cryst waits.


My lady.
Your words still sound of doubt. Pray you reach your answer, ere we the Sun-cryst.


And? Should I choose revenge, what then?


Then your woe shall be your own.


Vaan. A word.
If something untoward should happen to me, you*re taking the Strahl.


What*s this about?


I am the leading man.
Might need to do something heroic.
Don*t worry, I*ll show you how to fly her.

Pharos 每First Ascent

They Who Thirst Not


Hey, Fran.
Something*s written on the wall.


Engraved by someone, it seems.
It*s quite old.
※Lo, seeker in days unborn, god-blade bearer.
※Know you: this tower challenges the sky.
※Ware the watcher; the ward of the Three Waits, soul-hungry, unsated.
※He without power, want it not.
※He with power, trust it no.
※He with sight, heed it not.
Rend illusion, cut the true path.
※In blood, Raithwall.§


The Dynast-King?


Does it startle you?
The Dynast-King (He) took his sword from the Occuria.
It was here he claimed the nethicite.
He must have known he was not the last the Occuria would choose. He left this for you.
Rend illusion, cut the true path.
Words of much mystery.
Yet his blood runs in your veins.
Perhaps it whispers to you the truth?


The din of the Mist grows greater.


The Sun-cryst must be near.


I wonder if she*ll really do it.
Take revenge against the Empire.
I mean, I know how she must feel.
It*s hard losing someone you care about.


Something we all got in common.


But, you know, no matter how hard we try, we can*t change the past.
There*s nothing that can bring them back.
Still, sometimes, when I close my eyes#I can see them so clearly.


Illusions of the past.
You think to have cast them off, only to find them years later, unwearying, unrelenthing.
The past can bind a man as surely as irons.
Cut the true path.
But will she?


So this is the Sun-cryst.


King Raithwall stood here.
With this sword he cut the Sun-cryst#and took its power in his hand.


But you*re going to use the sword to destroy the Sun-cryst.
Aren*t you, Ashe.


Don*t interrupt me, Vaan.

Don't talk to me that way.


Lord Rasler!?


You want revenge.
You would have me use the Stone?
You would have me destroy the Empire?
Is this my duty?
Is this what you want?
I cannot.


Why do you hesitate?
Take what is yours.
The Cryst is a blade. It was meant for you.
Wield it! Avenge your father!
Yes, it was I who wore Basch*s face 每 who cut down the Life of Dalmasca.
Lady Ashe!
Your father*s murderer is here!




And Reks!


I slew your king. I slew your country.
Do these deeds not demand vengeance?
Yes. Good!
Find your wrath!
Take up your sword!
Fight, and serve those who died before you!


A Judge Magister there was#2 years past, he took his hand the Midlight Shard stolen from Nabradia and used it not knowing what he did#and Nabudis was blown away.
Cid ordered this of him to learn the nethicite*s true power.
That man (He) swore never to let such terrible power (would not) be used again.
He forsook his Judicer*s plate, and his name.


Judge Zecht!


It*s been too long, Gabranth.
Reach out your hand, Lady Ashe.
But remember, that which you must grasp is something beyond revenge, something greater than despair.
Something beyond our reach. Try as we might, Gabranth, history*s chains bind us too tightly.


No, we cannot escape the past.
This man is living proof!
What is your past, Daughter of Dalmasca?
Did you not swear revenge?
Do the dead not demand it?


Rasler. My prince.
Our time was short.
Yet I know this:
You were not the kind to take base revenge!
The Rasler I knew is gone.

Gerun King

You are our saint, Ashelia B*nargin.
You must ??? the nethicite, you must be the one to straighten history*s weave!


I am no false saint for you to use!


In all Dalmasca*s long history, not once did we rely on the Dusk Shard.
Our people resolved never to use it, though their need might be dire.
That was the Dalmasca I wanted back.
To use the Stone now would be to betray that.
I will destroy the Sun-cryst!
I will discard the Stone!


You claim no need of power?
What of your broken kingdom*s shame?
The dead demand justice!


You*re wrong.
What would change?
I can*t help my brother now.
My brother*s gone.
He*s dead!


Even with power, we cannot change what has passed. What is done, is done.


Yet without power, what future can you claim?
What good a kingdom you cannot defend?


Then I will defend queen and kingdom both!


Defend? You?
You who failed Landis and Dalmasca?
What can shame hope to keep safe?
Your shield is shattered!
Your oaths poison those you would protect!


Hear me, Basch! Do not think killing the kingslayer will win you back your honor!
When you abandoned home and kin, your name was forever stained with blood!


Aye, this stain is mine to bear.
But I will bear it willingly, knowing that I did all that I could#for hope!


Preen and strut as you like!
In the end, we are the same!
Blood-thirsting carrion birds, hell-bent on revenge!


So you, too, would leave your debts unpaid?


Enough of this!
I can bear no more!
You disappoint me, Gabranth.
He trusted you.
When you bared steel against the Princess, you foreswore your obligations to your emperor!
You shame yourself and make mockery of Lord Larsa*s trust.
You are unfit to serve him as sword or shield.
And so I release you from that service.
Your presence is neither required nor welcome.




You were only a tool of this Venat.


How quaint.
We are allies!
The Occuria give men power as a master feeds his dog: it is meant to tame us.
How well you*ve resisted their wile.
By turning your back on their stones, you give us free hand to write our own history.


And at what price?
Dalmasca*s freedom for your nethicite?
I shall not suffer you to have it.
The Sun-cryst be damned!


Oh, be sure that it is! For what other purpose do you think you*ve brought us here?
But, my Lady, I would have you stay your Occurian sword! The Sun-cryst is glutted with Mist, and so (too) precious a thing must not be squandered (waste)!
Let us use the Stone!
Finish this, Venat!
Shards of nethicite! Cocoon of the Sun-cryst!
Spill forth your Mist upon this Ivalice!
Let sea and sky be awash in it, that Bahamut may come and drink his fill!
And lo!
How brightly burned their lanthorn!
Casts it back the shadow of Occurian design!
Testament that Man*s history shall be His alone!


You made your nethicite for this.
You mimic the Occuria*s Stone for what?
To become a god yourself?


On whose shoulders better to stand than those of the would-be gods!
Such high hopes I once had#but you ran and ran, and they with you! Alas, the all of your return is (too) late.
Come, Ffamran!
Revel in the glory of my triumph!


Behold the manufacted nethicite#the fruit of our power and knowledge!
See what the Stone of Man is capable of!
Witness its power with your own eyes!
Famfrit! To me!


Let him by, Venat.
It is done.
Ah, now I have enjoyed these six years.


The pleasure was all mine.


Was there no other way?


Spend your pity elsewhere.
If you are so set on running, hadn*t you best be off?
Fool of a pirate.


Fran? Fran!


The Mist burns.
To bursting it beats.
The cocoon!
The Sun-cryst bursts.
You must run.
As far as you can.


Easy, Fran.


Hadn*t you best be off?
That*s what a sky pirate does.
You fly, don*t you?


I suppose you*d better hang on then.


Ashe! The sword!
We have to stop it!


You must quit this place.
It*s reacting.
I have not seen its like before!
Nay, never this large.
Never such threat impendent.
For Nabudis.


Reddas, no!


I, Judge Magister, condemn you to oblivion!


